Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Activity7 – Enhancement in the Frequency Domain

2d sinusoids (left) FT(right)

A:original 2d sinusoid with f=4
B:f=40, distance between 2 points in the FT increased
C:f=0.4, distance between 2 points in the FT decreased
D:rotated at 30 degrees: the orientation of the 2 points was tilted
E:rotated at 60 degrees: the orientation of the 2 points was tilted further
F:z = sin(2*%pi*4*X).*sin(2*%pi*4*Y): 4 points with equal distance (square)
G:z = sin(2*%pi*40*X).*sin(2*%pi*40*Y): distance between points increased (expected from (b))
H:z = sin(2*%pi*0.4*X).*sin(2*%pi*40*Y):vertical distance decreased but horizontal distance increased( expected from (b) and (c))

left:original indexed image
right:processed fingerprint

score: 8/10
collaborators:dado, maallo

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